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big house with stucco exterior Lake Zurich

What Is Stucco Siding?

big house with stucco exterior Lake Zurich

Siding or cladding is the term used to describe the outside layer of a home. Fiber-cement boards, vinyl siding, and bespoke home sidings are just a few examples of the many types of house siding. Stucco is an additional siding material that has been used on homes for a very long period. Stucco contractors are in great demand to build exteriors made of stucco in Illinois right now.


Stucco is being used in homes throughout the country and is a defining element of Spanish and Mediterranean styles. Because of its incredible versatility and specialized application techniques, stucco is the best siding for residences in a myriad of settings and architectural styles.


What Is Stucco Siding Made Of?


The outside walls of buildings and homes are divided with stucco siding, a material made of concrete, sand, and lime. An attractive, durable, and climate-safe exterior siding is stucco. Since it is porous and can consume moisture, the substantial material stands up well in humid environments and dries promptly and safely. The stucco siding may have colors added to it to create a variety of looks, and it won’t ever need to be painted. Typically, Spanish, Mediterranean, and mission-style houses and structures have stucco siding.


What Are The Pros Of Stucco Siding?


Instead of painting stucco, which ensures colorfastness, it is often tinted to add tone. Stucco may also be painted with regular exterior house paint.


As stucco is hand-worked, it very likely may be finished in a variety of ways. Stucco lends itself nicely to creative ornamentation in this regard.


Due to the scarcity of expensive materials, stucco is regarded as one of the more affordable forms of siding. While mixes are used to make the majority of stucco finishes, it is conceivable to create your own stucco finish from scratch. For any residence or commercial property, stucco contractors in Illinois are more than capable of doing that.


Since it is uniform, unlike almost every other construction used for siding, stucco offers a residence a great barrier against rain and snow. Seams assist bring wind and water movement into a residence. Even wrinkles that first seem to be almost healed may eventually widen.

house with stucco exterior Lake Zurich

What Are The Cons Of Stucco Siding?


When stucco unintentionally takes a lawnmower blow or is accidentally damaged by even a little tree branch, its fundamental term, the Italian Stucchi, which means hull, part, or piece, actually becomes a crucial element. It is simple to retrieve stucco. Stucco repair in Illinois is required to fully fix any damage to a structure because when it is damaged, the outside drops off.


A perfect board is used in place of the damaged one to repair many types of siding, including vinyl siding. But, for a home with a stucco finish, the stucco has to be mixed and applied with a scoop, then allowed to cure for essentially a whole day. In order to maintain consistency, it is usually easier for property owners to contact residential stucco specialists in Illinois than to take on the upkeep alone.


Most usually, stucco finishes are implemented with skill. For small areas, DIY application is feasible, but it is not advised to complete the stucco on the whole home.


Stucco may last for a very long period or even longer, but to reach that life expectancy, it has to have the proper upkeep.


While the cost of a stucco finish is mostly made up of labor costs that increase over time, even if the materials used are very inexpensive.


Stucco Cladding Procedure


Wooden partitions covered with tar paper are the first step in the stucco siding process. Excited metal screening or chicken wire is then added. After that, three coats of stucco are used to cover the metal. The stucco-penetrating moisture is prevented from penetrating the tar paper, protecting the timber framing of the home. The metal screening provides additional strength and a point of attachment for the stucco.


The scratch coat corresponds to the main stucco siding layer. Commonly, in a bungle or level example, a brush is utilized to draw scratches on the surface. We advise waiting until this layer is completely dry prior to continuing to the next. In a very small amount of time, Illinois stucco professionals will complete the job.


The earthy-colored layer, often known as the evening coat, is painted next. It is evened out, scraped smooth, and allowed to dry for seven to ten days in order to account for cracking and expanding. The coats of stucco will be drenched with water to avoid premature drying and brittleness on the odd occasion that the climate is exceptionally dry.


The last coat is referred to as the finishing coat and exists in two alternatives. Variety covers may be polished and include colored tinting. A variety coat is thinner than an acrylic finish, which is utilized for enduring quality. It is also acrylic-based. Illinois stucco contractors advise that this layer be handled cautiously.

house with two garages with stucco painting Lake Zurich

For many years, stucco siding has been the material of election for both residential and commercial structures. Find out what stucco siding is, its advantages and drawbacks, and how to install it.

Use Illinois Stucco to improve the appearance of the outside of your house! Stucco installation, painting, repair, and restoration are just a few of the many services our top-rated stucco business does. Our skilled stucco contractors can provide you with a beautiful stucco finish since they have the knowledge and training necessary. Make an appointment with Illinois Stucco right now to discuss your home’s exterior stucco options and improve its curb appeal!

Benefits Of Stucco Painting

Stucco has very low maintenance requirements and if taken proper care of, it maintains its beauty for quite a long time. That is why stucco painting is one of the most popular exterior treatments for homes. When properly applied by skilled stucco contractors, you may rest assured of some special benefits, such as the following ones:

Blocks Moisture

Stucco absorbs water after it rains and darkens until it dries. Stucco painting thoroughly seals its surface, preventing moisture from penetrating. The effectiveness of this painting makes the stucco color stay steady throughout a heavy downpour.

Keeps Stains Away

Sometimes vertical lines of rust and water stains on your stucco can be seen, usually beneath window frames. These stains can be covered by painting stucco. If properly painted by stucco contractors, these lines will no longer be visible, and neither will they get back for the many years to come.  

Improving Your House Appearance

Painting a stucco house with new coats of paint is the fastest and easiest method to make it stand out from the street. Painting the stucco exterior will enhance the appearance of your outside walls while increasing the market value of your property.

Increase The Resistance To UV Rays

UV rays can degrade your outside stucco causing brick cracks and structural damage. These damages alter stucco functionality even more. A stucco company can effectively paint your exterior keeping your outside walls adequately insulated and safe while reflecting harmful UV rays.

Contact Illinois Stucco for professional stucco services. Our skilled and professional stucco contractors, which have huge expertise and exquisite craftsmanship, will make sure to deliver top-notch stucco painting work. Give us a call today.

What Makes Stucco Fireproof?

Fire Resistance Features

The fireproof properties of stucco mainly come from the materials it is composed of. A stucco installation consists of a mix of cement, sand, limestone, water, and other additives. None of these elements are flammable or combustible, and these attributes remain for the stucco as a whole. 

The way in which stucco contractors spread this material over the walls also plays a role in its fireproof capability. It is usually applied in multiple layers, usually, three, that together add thickness to the wall and protect its surface. 

Stucco Vs Other Siding Materials

People often ask stucco companies how stucco performs against other common siding materials when it comes to fire exposure. Stucco is superior to materials like vinyl, wood, and manufactured wood. 

Vinyl can easily melt when exposed to the temperatures existing during a fire. In fact, some types of vinyl could even start to melt under the direct, concentrated sunlight of a hot day. You’ll never have to worry about it with a stucco exterior.

Wood and manufactured wood are naturally combustible materials that promote the spread of fire. Materials like vinyl don’t guarantee fire protection, however, wood-based siding performs the worst when it comes to fire propagation. 

Protecting Your Property From Fire

If safety measures against fire are a priority for your siding, a stucco company has the solution for you. Stucco provides a safe mix of non-combustible materials that can withstand high temperatures without igniting.

Vinyl siding is more common and less expensive, but it also offers less protection against fire than stucco. On the other hand, stone and brick might be a thoughtful choice, but it’s also more expensive and less practical. Stucco falls in the middle when it comes to the protection-cost ratio for property owners looking for a practical solution at a reasonable cost. 

What Are The Different Types of Stucco?

Stucco is a building material, usually made from Portland cement plaster, that can be used in the interior and the exterior of buildings and houses, applied to walls and other surfaces. The material is fire-retardant, long-lasting, and requires little maintenance. These characteristics, along with the possibility of giving it different textures and colors, made it an excellent choice for buildings throughout the world.
Knowing the different application systems and styles, the stucco services staff can help you decide the visual finish that better suits your home style.

Types of Stucco

There are two main types of stucco: traditional and synthetic.

Traditional Stucco

Traditional stucco is made out of sand, lime, and water and then cement is added to the mix, as it increases its durability. Lime makes stucco easier to install. The problem with pure cement stucco is that, besides its hardness, it has to be applied over a stable mesh base, called lath. Otherwise, the stucco will crack. Traditional stucco is versatile which makes it an excellent choice for exteriors, as it can be smoothed or roughened.

Synthetic Stucco

Synthetic stucco does not use cement and lime. It is made of an acrylic resin that is resistant to water damage. It dries evenly, and quickly, and can be applied over the foam board.
Do you have any doubt about stucco installation? Have you got any questions regarding which kind of stucco would suit your property better? Contact the Illinois Stucco company!

Why You Should Hire a Professional for Stucco Jobs

As tempting as it may seem, trying to save money by performing do-it-yourself stucco repair or stucco installation, it is best to work with a professional stucco company. They can guarantee their services. 

Stucco provides an additional layer of protection to your home that should be long-lasting. If installed incorrectly, you may not be protecting your property as best as you previously thought. 

Here are the main reasons to hire a professional stucco contractor.

Experience and Expertise

If not handled properly, stucco can be tough to work with and should only be used by professional stucco contractors with their training and years of expertise. Illinois Stucco specializes in using the right mix, application, and repair methods as important factors to getting professional results out of your stucco installation. 

Stucco Will Last Much Longer

Quality material and proper stucco installation techniques are key to ensuring your home reaps the long-lasting benefits of such work. Choosing the right application method is important for it to endure, depending on if your project requires stucco exterior or interior installation. 

It Will Look Better

Professional stucco contractors guarantee the finished product and use their experienced technique to provide the most beautiful end results possible. From mixing to applying each coat properly, stucco siding can achieve a perfectly even finish that gives the desired look and feel you are seeking. 

Saves Time and Money

One of the main ways in preventing costly mistakes is to avoid do-it-yourself projects which usually do not save either time or money in the end. It’s best to consult and hire a professional stucco company like Illinois Stucco. We will guide you through the process and complete the task correctly the first time around.

Common Stucco Issues

The outermost layer of a house is what we know as siding or cladding. Stucco has been used as a siding on the exterior of houses for centuries. It gives the exterior walls texture and can be different colors. Stucco is a mixture made of cement, lime, sand and water, it dries to produce a very dense solid. When it is applied correctly it gives the exterior of your home many advantageous benefits, it waterproofs, fireproofs, soundproofs and insulates your home. If the stucco exterior layers are not applied properly, or not maintained it can cause a whole load of problems, often it is the penetration of water that causes the majority of problems.

Wall Staining
Different contaminants may become absorbed by the stucco and stain the walls underneath, rainwater can also wash dirt and these same contaminants, from the roof and windows, into your stucco. Accumulation of these contaminants will lead to deterioration. Professional stucco contractors can wash away the contaminants and apply a water resistant sealer to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

Excess moisture eventually leads to mold problems. If you have mold growth in your home, it can affect your and your family’s health as well as the building. You need to find and remove the source of the excess water, stucco contractors will remove all the affected stucco and rotten wood, which is then replaced with new stucco installation.

Water damage often causes cracking, as does poor stucco installation. For general, localized cracking the stucco repair professionals can install a coating system. But for more widespread, comprehensive cracking, complete stucco replacement is recommended. This is because the cracking is the result of poor workmanship.

If you have a stucco installed home and you are having problems with the water or any other issues, contact a professional, they can give you professional advice and arrange for a stucco inspection. 

How Does Stucco Keep Your House Cool?

An attractive exterior to your property is important for curb appeal and essential if you put your house up for sale. It will also play a role in the valuation of your house. There are various options that you can use to improve the aesthetic of the exterior of your home.
The use of stucco will clean up the exterior to give an attractive finish, It also has many other benefits for homeowners, It is very durable and it can last up to 50 years with minimal maintenance. The stucco itself expands and contracts with the weather, which reduces the risk of it cracking and coming away from the exterior wall. Once it is waterproofed it is resistant to mold and mildew and stops water from penetrating the exterior wall.
The stucco itself provides an excellent insulating coating to your exterior walls, it will keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter, by making your house more energy efficient, you will see a reduction in energy bills. Stucco installation also acts as a sound barrier, which is beneficial if you leave near busy roads.
Stucco is a mixture of cement, sand, lime and water. Stucco contractors Wilmette, will mix the stucco and apply it in many layers, this builds up the thickness, which contributes to the properties of the stucco exterior. Once it’s dry it provides a durable exterior that can be painted any color that you wish.
At Illinois Stucco, Our experienced stucco contractors are available for stucco repair, stucco installation, or stucco painting. Whether you are thinking of installing stucco for the first time, or you need stucco repair, or even just a repainting, our professionals are skilled and have expertise in stucco work and are waiting for your call.

Choosing the Right Stucco Company Wilmette

Stucco projects are not as easy as one may think. Stucco installation needs to be done the right way or problems can arise in the future. For example, If the stucco installation is made carelessly it can leave gaps between the stucco and the wall, creating moisture and, if left uncorrected, wood rot can eventually set in. As you prepare for your own stucco installation there are some key things to keep in mind.

First, there are several stucco companies you can choose so you need to take the time to get recommendations and read reviews. Do all the research possible before choosing the stucco company to take on your stucco installation. Call the stucco company and ask questions about stucco. Ask about jobs the company did in your area so you can go by and take a look. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions before deciding which stucco company gets your job.

Second. Make sure the stucco contractors you hire are both licensed and insured. There are always a few less than professional companies that employ workers who do not have a current license or do not carry liability insurance. You will want to avoid these. At Stucco Wilmette we ONLY hire licensed and insured contractors to do our stucco projects.

Finally, once you have settled on a stucco company, make sure they give you a legally binding contract that spells out their guarantees and the costs you will incur. As with any type of construction project, you will be able to find a number of companies that want you to set up an “under the table” arrangement. 

In Illinois, the number one stucco company is Stucco Wilmette, Call us today for your free estimate.